My Heart Attack Story

My Name is Richard Davidson and because of my Heart Attack … I am now in the Heart Attack Prevention business.

Learn the symptoms of a heart attack!


My Missouri Heart Attack Story

Let me take you back to the Missouri National Forest in 2007. I went on a four year sabbatical to determine what my vision and legacy was going to be for the next 30 years. 

“It was mid-morning on March 2, 2009. I felt these funny feelings running down my left arm. I also noticed my fingertips were numb and I started sweating. I knew right away that these were signs of a heart attack.”

Can I give you a little back story….

A week prior I had just completed my annual physical and got a perfectly clean bill of health from both my doctor and from my new insurance policy doctor. Why I tell you this is because “if” I didn’t know and recognize heart attack symptoms I wouldn’t have been able to recognize that I was having a heart attack. 


I ask my wife for an aspirin. She said, “You don’t take aspirin, What’s wrong?” I said, “Oh nothing… I am just having a heart attack.” All joking aside… things got really exciting after that. We called the Army Base, about 18 miles away and we took off on dirt road. We had arranged for an ambulance to meet us about 1/2 way. The medic said he was going to put a “Nitro-Glycerin” pill under my tongue and as an old Navy EOD guy… I said, “That’s what I use to use to blow things up with...” He laughed but I did not think it was very funny.

I was then rushed to the base hospital and sure enough I was having a massive heart attack. I had a 100% clogged artery and a 95% clogged artery. They then “medevac” me, by helicopter, to a Heart Hospital in Columbia. Within 4 hours after I recognized my symptoms, I received 2 stints in my arteries to my heart. 


It felt really weird because I could swear that as I was watching the monitor of the operation and as they were placing a stint in my artery, I could see them opening up the artery with the stint and I could feel the blood rushing through. My wife said that could not have happened because I was out and they almost lost me a few times… But I know what I saw and felt????


This was one of those life changing “wake up calls” and now my heart health has been a high priority on my personal wellness program.

How many of you have had a heart attack or thought you were having one?

Did you recognized the symptoms while you were having your heart attack?

 Every year 325,000 women and 325,000 men die from this silent disease… that is more deaths than all the other diseases put together.  Men we have about 5-6 symptoms and women you have 10-12. More men have heart attacks… but more women die because they do not recognize their own symptoms. Get to recognize all of the heart attack symptoms.

Remember, I was given a clean bill of health a month before my heart attack and then by me knowing my symptoms… I survived. 

 “I Don’t want you to be one of the statistics”

Today... I am 81 Years Young and I survived my heart attack.

I want you to live a long, full, healthy and active lifestyle.

My recommendation is that you learn what "Alkalinity is and what does it has to do with a heart attack and most other diseases.

Honestly... ask yourself... "How do I really feel... on a day to day basis?"

When you listen to your will tell you when you are feeling "un-healthy" like symptoms of disease. (Cold, flu, fever, chills, pain, heart attack, etc.)

When you truly learn to really listen to your body... it will tell you when you are healthy and well.

Listen to your breathing, your movement, your thoughts, your re-action, your feelings... feel your body and pay attention what it is trying to tell you.

Reach out to the world for the "Law of Attraction" and ask for perfect personal health and wellness... just be careful how and what you ask for... because you might just get it. I have been following the Law of Attraction since I was 12 years old and it was in 2002 the Alkaline Lifestyle came to me. I have been learning more and more each year and how this lifestyle can be applied to anyone that will change their attitude, change their diet and it will change their life.

By following the Alkalarian Lifestyle for the past 20 years I am now a proactive "Alkalarian".

I breath, drink, eat, supplement and think ALKALINE.

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“I thank you for your time… by letting me share my heart attack story and by sharing a legacy of education in health and wellness. My wish for you is great health and a long and adventurous life”

And Remember… “ The Bottom Line is Alkaline”